Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Retrograde Composition

Did you know, that there are no right answers?

Black is an the absence of light, but it is also the combination of all colours. Three lefts make a right, but so does a single left if the path is circular. The answer can also be, it doesn't if you believe it is the journey not the destination that matters. Extremism is in itself measured by the postion of other players in the field and middle-class is elite provided you apply the right economies of scale.

Divination has to exist, if we have been fore-warned from its use; which results in the amusing conclusion: Those who call belief of such ignorance are themselves ignorant, which in itself is not profound, since I knew this as a 6 year old in the timeless, if juvenille, comeback: "Jo kehta hai wohi hota hai."

Morality is not subjective, becuase its quite set in stone for every person until ofcourse time and experience weather stone away. Furthermore, aggregates can solve all issues of subjectivity, period, while putting objectivity at risk ofcourse. It is not clear whose objectives we are trying not achieve at this moment, however.

Ignorance of the masses, actually collectively assumes ignorance of the individual, and at the same time knowledge of such ignorance negates ignorant elevating it to merely indifference. In difference, broken up neatly like so, actually does not imply 'not caring' but on the contrary opposition through inaction, when ofcourse the desired action would be to act.

You know i'm getting at something right? But what? Sorry, can't tell but I will go on, so there is still time. Fundamentalism, means to believe in fundamentals, the opposite of which is probably Jungle's Law: Might is right. Now it gets amusing, the opposition of fundamentals leads to jungle law, yet siding with it means we lay down standards and force people to comply; meaning that having come full circle, we are back at the Jungle. If you're trying to keep this all in context, this would be the equivalent of making three lefts.

Religion is a collection of beliefs that cannot be proven, so is believing the sky is green. 'Green Sky' is actually a recorded natural phenom in which, given the right circumstances the sky appears green. Being good at debates actually means the opposite, to say that you left ground open for argumentation before you can bring closure and show that you were indeed correct, is an indirect reference to the fact that your claim was such that it induced an arguement to begin with.

The Big Bang Theory actually is used both to prove and disprove the existence of God, since it cannot explain anything before Singularity (which is a good oxymoron in its own right) and accounting for Occom's Razor merely leads us back to the subjectivity of what is the simplest explanation. Objectivity ofcourse being aggregate subjectivity (see above) leading us to the natural conclusion that by jungle law (majority being might) God exists. On a complete sidenote, the name was obviously coined by a perverted individual who badly needs to get laid, but by extension I am perverted (or merely perceptive) that I got the joke, good one.

Strangely, love is actually weaker than hate, since people often kill others for hate, and rarely for love. By hating someone you have the strongest emotion possible for them, so perhaps the best form of love is actually weak love, which makes sense sense, as it would be one step removed from indifference, leading us neatly to: "Opposites attract."

Wisdom has to be knowing everything without knowing it, since otherwise you won't continue learning leading to being unwise. And yet by definition, if you don't know you are wise then you don't know everything. I am aware of the term circuitous logic, but are you aware that to complete a circuit is at times not the thing to be avoided but instead the goal?

Lastly, being called abnormal is not an insult for if all you are striving for is normality you might as well kill yourself now. After all, all normal people die in the end.


Sindy Clawford said...

Sadly all abnormal people die in the end too. That's the thing about endings.

Love is more often than not the reason for hate. Envy too, which in turn could lead to hate. Hate rarely causes love, though it's been known to happen. But I won't go into either emotion :p
Love Chocolate, Hate marmite. ^_^

Thanks anyway, needed something to read. Droll Trolls attack so often.
Opposites attract is hogwash. Leads to more of the same cycle. And an amusing flurry of points leading to a probable bigger pictures, which I'd look for if my head wasn't so clogged up just now.

At least some blog doth pick up the pace.

... " a 6 year old in the timeless, if juvenille, comeback: "Jo kehta hai wohi hota hai." "

Oddly refreshing to read that. Dunno why, I've never even said it. Well p'raps once. Or twice. :p :-D

Waqas said...

abnormal people may live on, or they may die. it is for the normal people to decide that, ironically.

we live for death, why not live for life? or perhaps the after-life...but then that's a whole new can of worms now, isn't it?